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WTF Ethers: 4. Send ETH

I've been revisiting ethers.js recently to refresh my understanding of the details and to write a simple tutorial called "WTF Ethers" for beginners.

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In this lesson, we will introduce the Signer class and its derived class Wallet, and use it to send ETH.

Signer Class

Unlike Web3.js, which assumes that users will deploy Ethereum nodes locally and manage private keys and network connection status through this node (which is not actually the case), ethers.js manages network connection status with the Provider class, and manages keys securely and flexibly with the Signer class or Wallet class, separately.

In ethers, the Signer class is an abstraction of an Ethereum account that can be used to sign messages and transactions, send signed transactions to the Ethereum network, and modify the blockchain state. The Signer class is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly, so we need to use its subclass: the Wallet class.

Wallet Class

The Wallet class inherits from the Signer class. Developers can use it to sign transactions and messages just like they own an Externally Owned Account (EOA) with a private key.

Below are several ways to create instances of the Wallet class:

Method 1: Creating a wallet object with a random private key

We can use the ethers.Wallet.createRandom() function to create a Wallet object with a randomly generated private key. The private key is generated from an encrypted secure entropy source. If there is no secure entropy source in the current environment, an error will be thrown (this method cannot be used on the online platform playcode).

// Create a wallet object with a random private key
const wallet1 = ethers.Wallet.createRandom()

Method 2: Creating a wallet object with a known private key

If we know the private key, we can use the ethers.Wallet() function to create a Wallet object.

// Create a wallet object with a private key and provider
const privateKey = '0x227dbb8586117d55284e26620bc76534dfbd2394be34cf4a09cb775d593b6f2b'
const wallet2 = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)

Method 3: Creating a wallet object from a mnemonic

If we know the mnemonic, we can use the ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic() function to create a Wallet object.

// Create a wallet object from a mnemonic
const wallet3 = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic.phrase)

Other methods: Creating a wallet object from a JSON file

The above three methods can meet most requirements. However, we can also create a wallet instance by decrypting a JSON wallet file using ethers.Wallet.fromEncryptedJson. The JSON file is usually the keystore file from wallets like Geth and Parity, which would be familiar to anyone who has set up an Ethereum node using Geth.

Sending ETH

We can use a Wallet instance to send ETH. First, we need to construct a transaction request, declaring the recipient address to and the amount of ETH to be sent value. The transaction request, of type TransactionRequest, can include the sender address from, nonce value nounce, request data data, and other information, which will be explained in more detail in later tutorials.

    // Create a transaction request with the recipient address 'to' and the amount of ETH 'value'
const tx = {
to: address1,
value: ethers.parseEther("0.001")

Then, we can use the sendTransaction method of the Wallet class to send the transaction, wait for it to be confirmed on the chain, and get the transaction receipt. It's that simple.

    // Send the transaction and get the receipt
const receipt = await wallet2.sendTransaction(tx)
await receipt.wait() // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the chain
console.log(receipt) // Print the transaction details

Code Examples

1. Create a Provider instance

// Send ETH using the Wallet class
// Since playcode does not support the ethers.Wallet.createRandom() function, we can only run this code in VScode
import { ethers } from "ethers";

// Connect to the Ethereum test network using the Alchemy RPC node
// For how to prepare Alchemy API, please refer to
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(ALCHEMY_GOERLI_URL);

2. Create Wallet instances using three different methods

  • Create a Wallet object with a random private key. Wallets created using this method are standalone, and we need to use the connect(provider) function to connect to the Ethereum node. Wallets created using this method can be used to obtain a mnemonic phrase.
// Create a wallet object with a random private key
const wallet1 = ethers.Wallet.createRandom()
const wallet1WithProvider = wallet1.connect(provider)
const mnemonic = wallet1.mnemonic // Get the mnemonic phrase
  • Create a Wallet object with a private key and Provider instance. Wallets created using this method cannot obtain a mnemonic phrase.
// Create a wallet object with a private key and provider
const privateKey = '0x227dbb8586117d55284e26620bc76534dfbd2394be34cf4a09cb775d593b6f2b'
const wallet2 = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)
  • Create a Wallet object with a mnemonic. Here, we use the mnemonic of wallet1, so the private key and public key of the created wallet will be the same as wallet1.
// Create a wallet object from a mnemonic
const wallet3 = ethers.Wallet.fromPhrase(mnemonic.phrase)

3. Get the wallet addresses

Use the getAddress() function to get the wallet addresses.

    const address1 = await wallet1.getAddress()
const address2 = await wallet2.getAddress()
const address3 = await wallet3.getAddress() // Get the addresses
console.log(`1. Get the wallet addresses`);
console.log(`Address of Wallet 1: ${address1}`);
console.log(`Address of Wallet 2: ${address2}`);
console.log(`Address of Wallet 3: ${address3}`);
console.log(`Are the addresses of Wallet 1 and Wallet 3 the same? ${address1 === address3}`);

Get Wallet Address

4. Get Mnemonic

Get the mnemonic phrase using the mnemonic.phrase member of the wallet object:

console.log(`Wallet 1 mnemonic: ${wallet1.mnemonic.phrase}`)

Get Mnemonic

5. Get Private Key

Get the private key using the privateKey member of the wallet object:

console.log(`Wallet 2 private key: ${wallet2.privateKey}`)

Get Private Key

6. Get Number of Interactions on the Chain for the Wallet

Use the getTransactionCount() function to get the number of interactions on the chain for the wallet.

    const txCount1 = await provider.getTransactionCount(wallet1WithProvider)
const txCount2 = await provider.getTransactionCount(wallet2)
console.log(`Number of transactions sent by Wallet 1: ${txCount1}`)
console.log(`Number of transactions sent by Wallet 2: ${txCount2}`)

Get Number of Interactions on the Chain for the Wallet

7. Send ETH

We send 0.001 ETH from wallet2 to wallet1 and print the wallet balances before and after the transaction. Since wallet1 is a newly created random private key wallet, the balance before the transaction is 0, and after the transaction, it becomes 0.001 ETH.

    // 5. Send ETH
// If this wallet doesn't have any goerli testnet ETH, get some from a faucet, wallet address: 0xe16C1623c1AA7D919cd2241d8b36d9E79C1Be2A2
// 1. chainlink faucet:
// 2. paradigm faucet:
console.log(`\n5. Send ETH (testnet)`);
// i. Print balance before the transaction
console.log(`i. Balance before sending`)
console.log(`Wallet 1: ${ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(wallet1WithProvider))} ETH`)
console.log(`Wallet 2: ${ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(wallet2))} ETH`)
// ii. Create transaction request, parameters: to is the receiving address, value is the amount of ETH
const tx = {
to: address1,
value: ethers.parseEther("0.001")
// iii. Send transaction and get receipt
console.log(`\nii. Waiting for transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain (may take a few minutes)`)
const receipt = await wallet2.sendTransaction(tx)
await receipt.wait() // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the chain
console.log(receipt) // Print transaction details
// iv. Print balance after the transaction
console.log(`\niii. Balance after sending`)
console.log(`Wallet 1: ${ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(wallet1WithProvider))} ETH`)
console.log(`Wallet 2: ${ethers.formatEther(await provider.getBalance(wallet2))} ETH`)

Send ETH


In this lesson, we introduced the Signer and Wallet classes, used the wallet instance to get the address, mnemonic phrase, private key, and number of interactions on the chain, and sent ETH.